Book 4

4.51 The second river is the Tyras [Dniester]. Greeks called the Tyritae live at its mouth.

Posted on 09-11-16 | Permalink

4.52 The 3rd is the Hypanis [Bug]. It flows out of a lake around which wild white horses graze. For a part of its length it's brackish.

Posted on 09-12-16 | Permalink

4.53 The 4th is the Borysthenes [Dnieper], the largest after the Ister. This & the Nile are the only rivers whose sources I can’t identify.

Posted on 09-13-16 | Permalink

4.54 The fifth river is the Panticapes, which eventually joins the Borysthenes.

Posted on 09-14-16 | Permalink

4.55 The sixth is the Hypacyris, which flows through the territory of the nomadic Scythians.

Posted on 09-15-16 | Permalink

4.56 The seventh is the Gerrhus, which forms the border between the Royal Scythians and the nomadic Scythians.

Posted on 09-16-16 | Permalink

4.57 The eighth river, finally, is the Tanaïs [Don], which forms the border between the Royal Scythians and the Sauromatae.

Posted on 09-17-16 | Permalink

4.58 So much for rivers. By the way, Scythian clover produces more bile than any other. You can see this if you cut open dead Scythian cows.

Posted on 09-18-16 | Permalink

4.59 On to the Scythians' customs. They all worship Hestia, Zeus, Earth, Apollo, Aphrodite, Heracles, & Ares. Some sacrifice to Poseidon.

Posted on 09-19-16 | Permalink

4.60 When performing a sacrifice they strangle the animal with a rope, then skin it and cook it.

Posted on 09-20-16 | Permalink

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