Book 7

7.161 An Athenian answered that his people were next in line to command at sea: they wouldn't yield the position to anyone but the Spartans.

Posted on 04-15-18 | Permalink

7.162 And so Gelon dismissed the envoys and bid them tell the Greeks that spring had been taken from the year (as they'd forgone his help).

Posted on 04-16-18 | Permalink

7.163 Later, after Xerxes crossed to Europe, Gelon sent a man, Cadmus, to Delphi w/3 ships: if Xerxes won, C. was to give him earth & water.

Posted on 04-17-18 | Permalink

7.164 This Cadmus had once voluntarily surrendered his hereditary tyranny over Cos and moved to Sicily--one proof of his just character.

Posted on 04-18-18 | Permalink

7.165 Some say Gelon would have helped the Greeks, even w/o being given command, if the Carthaginians weren't attacking Sicily at the time.

Posted on 04-19-18 | Permalink

7.166 Gelon allegedly defeated Hamilcar of Carthage on the same day the Greeks won at Salamis. Oddly, Hamilcar was never found afterwards.

Posted on 04-20-18 | Permalink

7.167 The Carthaginians say Hamilcar threw himself on a pyre when he saw that his troops would be routed, and his body was consumed by fire.

Posted on 04-21-18 | Permalink

7.168 The Corcyraeans promised help and in fact sent 60 ships, but they never showed: they claimed bad weather kept them in the Peloponnese.

Posted on 04-22-18 | Permalink

7.169 The Cretans asked Delphi for advice and were reminded that the Greeks hadn't helped them at Camicus. They decided not to send help.

Posted on 04-23-18 | Permalink

7.170 The Cretans once besieged Camicus in Sicily unsuccessfully. On the way home they were shipwrecked off Italy and founded Hyria there.

Posted on 04-24-18 | Permalink

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