About the Project

Having written my History of the Persian Wars at considerable length I have decided to produce an abbreviated version of it, a "Twitter Herodotus" for the modern age: one 140-character tweet per day, one tweet per section. The project, begun on October 29, 2010, will take almost five years to complete. I should be posting the final tweet in January of 2015.

RETWEETING THE HISTORY AS OF 1/12/2015! You can follow the posts here or subscribe via RSS, Twitter or Facebook.

See also @iThucydides on Twitter, tweeting Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War as of 2/1/2015!

The Twitter Herodotus is now a book! Available in paperback or for Kindle.


9.107 Some of the barbarians, not many, had fled to the heights of Mycale, among them Xerxes' bro Masistes. They made their way to Sardis.

Posted on 03-10-19 | Permalink

9.106 Later, in Samos, the Greeks debated abandoning Ionia/resettling its ppl. The Ath refused. The Ionians joined the Grk alliance instead.

Posted on 03-09-19 | Permalink

9.105 The best among the Greeks at Mycale were the Athenians, and the best Athenian was Hermolycus, who was a pancratiast [boxer/wrestler].

Posted on 03-08-19 | Permalink

9.104 The Milesians, ordered to guard the mtn passes for the Persians, instead helped the Greeks. Thus Ionia revolted for the second time.

Posted on 03-07-19 | Permalink

9.103 The Spartans now came up & joined the fight. The disarmed Samians & the other Ionians deserted the Persians and fought for the Greeks.

Posted on 03-06-19 | Permalink

9.102 The Athenians fought 1st (as the Spartans were delayed by the terrain). Eventually all the barbarians but the Persians took to flight.

Posted on 03-05-19 | Permalink

9.101 Not only were the battles at Plataea and Mycale on the same day, but they were also both fought close to sanctuaries of Demeter. 

Posted on 03-04-19 | Permalink

9.100 The Greeks advanced against the Persians. As they did a rumor spread among them--based on an omen--that the Greeks had won in Boeotia.

Posted on 03-03-19 | Permalink

9.99 The Greeks landed & formed 4 battle. The Persians disarmed the Samians lest they revolt & they had the Milesians guard the mtn passes.

Posted on 03-02-19 | Permalink

9.98 The Greeks followed the Persians to Mycale & found them deployed on shore. Leotychides sailed by & called out to the Ionians to desert.

Posted on 03-01-19 | Permalink

"Tweeting Herodotus, or recasting The History for the digital age"

Press release

Herodotus Timemap (see for maps)

Macaulay's trans. with facing Greek

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